*sniff sniff* WHAT? NO WAY? GET UP GET UP! YESSS! THE AROMA! OH YES IT SMELLS SO GOOD! *runs down hall into kitchen* AHHH THERE IT IS! MY VERY BEST FRIEND! SCREW SQUEAKY TOYS THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER! Ok ok be cool. Give ’em the old puppy dog stare and you can obtain your prize. *piece of food falls from the skillet* OH MY GOSH! YESSSS! BACON!
Now I’m just guessing here but I assume that isn’t your thought process when you smell bacon. But I think it might be similar. If you haven’t already figured it out this is the thought process of pretty much every dog in America. I mean they just love bacon, but really, who doesn’t?
Each pet has a trigger that can cause them to forget about almost everything around them and focus completely on that one item that they want. Humans, we are pretty much the same. We see a Starbucks and immediately need a Frappuccino, we smell bacon and like the dog, sprint straight to it. Needless to say that between animals and humans we all have that one object that we are automatically attracted to.
But why is it that dogs love bacon so much and humans love Starbucks so much? There is a long answer and a short answer so, for time’s sake, I will stick to the short one. Each thing that has ever happened to us is stored in out heads with a memory, whether that being you falling on your knees, and remembering that it hurt, to remembering a piece of bacon and how delicious it tasted. So when we have a memory of something we have previously seen, it triggers the reaction we had when we first experienced that event. When you remember passed experiences with bacon, for example, you want to eat the bacon again to have that same satisfying experience. Well animals are the same way. They remember the time that you threw the ball and how much fun it was going to get it, so when you show them the ball they become extremely excited because of how much fun they had last time you threw it. But I mean who doesn’t love chasing a ball or two when you are on an open field. What? Just me?
So if you want to do something for your favorite friend, all you have to do is shrink down in size, go in their head and see what they like. Seems easy enough. But really, all your pets need to be happy is your presence and your never ending love for them. But a piece of bacon here and there doesn’t hurt.