What is Net Neutrality?


Lauren Mittleman and Lily Eun

Correction: This story, as produced, incorrectly, states that the California net neutrality bill (SB-822) was advocating for free Netflix service. But, it actually enforces net neutrality where internet service providers cannot charge more for access to specific types of content. It does not require free services of any kind. California bill SB-822 was approved by the governor on September 30, 2018. We apologize for the error.

Net neutrality is defined by Merriam-Webster as “the idea, principle, or requirement that Internet service providers should or must treat all Internet data as the same regardless of its kind, source, or destination.” Although many students here at Mira Costa don’t know what net neutrality is, it can still majorly affect their lives and many of the things they do daily. Apps and websites commonly used by teens, and others around the country, like Netflix, Youtube, Facebook, Spotify, and Twitter, may become more expensive for fast connection and harder to access. For the Mustang Morning News, this is Lauren Mittleman and Lily Eun.