Whether you’re a sophomore who’s getting ready for the hardest year of your high school career, a junior preparing for your infinite amount of AP tests, or a senior trying to make the best decision on where to spend the next four years of your life, it’s pretty obvious that stress can be good at getting the better of you.
According to the renowned internet medical resource WebMD, “A great deal of the pressure and anxiety about school stems from the college admissions race.” As a graduating student juggling about a million things (including where to attend school) myself, I find it very important to fit in time for relaxation so I don’t go crazy.
“Relaxation” doesn’t always have to entail spending $200 on a fancy facial or squeezing a spa day into your calendar. Sometimes the simplest things can reduce those potential panic attacks and allow you to rewind.
1. Drink Tea
The heat and natural relaxing abilities of tea make it a great choice of beverage.

2. Take a hot bath.
3. Listen to music
Hearing your favorite artists do their thing can release endorphins. Not only does listening to music reduce stress, but it also “can help reduce both the sensation and distress of both chronic pain and postoperative pain” (psychcentral).
4. Go on a walk or run. Check out this article about how physical activity reduces stress.
5. Do an activity you often can’t find time to participate in.
Ever wish you had time to try that one dance class your friend has been bothering you about? I know I’ve always wanted to do pottery. But there’s no opportunity. Or is there? CREATE that opportunity in order to get your mind off stressful things and explore your interests.
6. Sit at the beach or at a park.
Sometimes we need a break from the chaos of running from class to class, between sports practices and extracurricular commitments. Simply observing nature and appreciating the outside world can be calming.

7. Read a book (one you actually enjoy).
When is the last time you read for fun? Do it, the results may surprise you.
University of Minnesota study on reading for fun and its correlation with relief.
8. Sleep.
This one’s a given. Just take a nap if you’re feeling it. You deserve it. Don’t get too detached from that good old sleep schedule, though.
9. Detach from technology.
Just put the phone down. Only for a little. Instagram and twitter may be blowing up, but so is your brain.