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CARS. BALLS. BONES. TREATS. MY TAIL. THIS IS AWESOME! I’m only guessing here, but I think the dog in the video was probably dreaming about one of the above or all of them at the same time. I mean until he ran into a wall… But everyone has had one of these moments where you are so engulfed in a dream that even the outside world can see your reaction to all that is happening and you can guarantee that they are filming it too. But just because we are human doesn’t mean we are the only ones that are able to have incredible experiences inside the deep caverns of our brain.
Surprisingly enough, dog brains are more complex than human brains. I’m sorry guys but it looks like dogs have us beat with brain complexity. But we always have the treats, so actually I think we know who the real winner is here. Though dogs brains may be more complex, they are extremely similar to those of a human.
One extremely common trait that man and man’s best friend share is sleeping patterns. Both of us undergo two separate types of slumber. There is SWS sleep and there is REM sleep. If you don’t feel like reading another amazingly wordy Wikipedia page, I can sum it up for you (but just this once). In SWS sleep the body and the mind are somewhat turned off and your whole body is moving at a constant rate. But in REM sleep your mind is constantly coming up with dreams and sometimes your body is reacting to the dream as we saw in the dog video. So to put that into even easier terms, SWS sleep is just like normal sleeping and REM sleep is more fun for people to look at.
But dogs aren’t the only ones that are able to experience REM sleep. Cats too have dreams about playing with a ball of yarn. Mice dream about finding the worlds largest wheel of cheese. And Kangaroos dream about roasting a couple of shrimp on the barbie. Ok maybe not that last one… But dreams can be experienced by pretty much all man’s companions.
So the next time you cuddle up with your buddy before you hit the hay, just think, both of you could be dreaming about the same thing…. MY TAIL.