Feeling adventurous and discovering a little bit of history? I’ve got the perfect place for you…
That’s exactly how I was feeling a few days ago, when I decided to get out of the crowded bubble of Manhattan Beach, and felt like exploring the underestimated/unseen parts of the south bay. I took a beautiful half hour drive along the coast to San Pedro, California.
Many decades ago, there was a landslide causing all the houses on the cliff to fall into the ocean. What remains are ruins of rocky roads, broken pipes, tall palm trees, and gorgeous graffiti art. Of course, in order to enter this area you have to crawl under a fence with a secret hole in it and try not to somersault down the cliff into the rocks, but hey, I’m all in for trying new things so I did it.
Yes, I climbed under this
Short palm trees on the rocks
What really made this location stand out to me was the ship wrecked appearance. Compared to many of the beaches in the south bay, especially Manhattan Beach, you don’t see tons of materialistic, ginormous 8 million dollar homes and many people. What stunned me was the beautiful view from the shore that lets you overlook the huge boats in the distance and Catalina Island.
Sunken City at sunset, overlooking Catalina Island
From the wrecked debris, to the remastered graffiti art, I really enjoyed how every single detail about Sunken city was historical.
The art that traveled along the cliffs
I felt like I was in a post-apocalyptical scene in a movie. It was really delightful to escape from reality and visit this whole other world. Not to mention how peaceful it was and how different the waves/sand were compared to Manhattan Beach…which has bigger waves, soft sand and more people.
Small, calming waves
Lastly, I felt like I was the only human on the planet and it was just me and the cute, little sea creatures I found along the way.
I named him Sheldon